Introduction to Volume 18

  • Clark Lindgren Grinnell College


It is my pleasure to present the eighteenth volume of Pioneering Neuroscience: The Grinnell Journal of Neurophysiology. The articles collected in this volume represent original contributions to the field of neuroscience offered by students in the seventeenth offering of Biology 150: Introduction to Biological Inquiry - the Language of Neurons. As has been true for sixteen previous classes of Bio 150 (one of the volumes was created by students in an advanced class), this course was taken by most of the students during their first semester in college. For all of the students, this was their first college-level biology course!

I wish to thank the students of Biology 150 for their hard work and collegiality. None of this would have been possible without the contributions of Ashley Wolterstorff, the lab instructor, and the excellent work of mentor/lab assistant Emily Kozik ’19. The cover art was created by Aubrie Torhorst ’23. Other artwork credits include: Hyejun Jung ’23 (p. 6) and Nate L’esperance ’23 (p. 20). Last, but not least, I wish to recognize Dr. Steve Ryan for creating and Jamie Lee ’23 for naming the wonderful SLURP (Simultaneous Liquid Uptake and Replacement Pump).

How to Cite
LINDGREN, Clark. Introduction to Volume 18. Pioneering Neuroscience, [S.l.], v. 18, p. iii, jan. 2020. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 oct. 2021.