Nitrate and phosphate levels positively affect the growth of algae species found in Perry Pond

  • Steffii Fried Grinnell College
  • Brendan Mackie Grinnell College
  • Erin Nothwehr Grinnell College


High rates of agricultural runoff can cause large quantities of nitrates and phosphates to enter the water system. When added to a water body, these nutrients can create a large proliferation of algae which is harmful to water quality. The blooms deplete oxygen levels in aquatic ecosystems and thus have a detrimental effect on the organisms within the system. We evaluated the effects of nine different combinations of nitrate and phosphate concentrations on algal growth by measuring relative chlorophyll levels. We concluded that both nitrates and phosphates have positive effects on algal growth. However, these variables affect algal growth independently of each other and there is no interaction between the two. This implies that both nitrates and phosphates are effective limiting nutrients that can be reduced to control algal proliferation.
How to Cite
FRIED, Steffii; MACKIE, Brendan; NOTHWEHR, Erin. Nitrate and phosphate levels positively affect the growth of algae species found in Perry Pond. Tillers, [S.l.], v. 4, p. 21-24, may 2012. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 oct. 2021.