Small mammals are integral to the maintenance of the tallgrass prairie

  • Dree Collopy Grinnell College
  • Kate Mannion Grinnell College
  • Alison Mynsberge Grinnell College


The invasion of exotic woody species into savanna and prairie habitats is an obstacle to the restoration of these areas. Small mammals, often viewed as pests, may actually decrease the invasion of woody species into savanna and prairie habitats. We studied the role of small mammals on maintaining the savanna and prairie at the Conard Environmental Research Area (CERA) by setting up buffet-style feeding stations of bur oak acorns on prairie, savanna, and woodland sites. We found that habitat was significant for acorns consumed by small mammals; more acorns were consumed in the prairie and savanna than in the woodlands. This indicates that small mammals do play an important role in the maintenance of prairie and savanna habitats by decreasing tree succession.
How to Cite
COLLOPY, Dree; MANNION, Kate; MYNSBERGE, Alison. Small mammals are integral to the maintenance of the tallgrass prairie. Tillers, [S.l.], v. 2, p. 59-66, apr. 2012. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 oct. 2021.