Burning and mowing have no effect on water content, ph or organic matter in prairie and forest soils at CERA

  • Ian Besse Grinnell College
  • Jennifer Thornton Grinnell College


Burning and mowing are common practices in prairie restoration efforts (Jordan et al., 1987). Burning is also frequently used in forest management (Baily et al., 1982). Since soil characteristics have a major impact on productivity, it is important that we understand the effects burning and mowing treatments have on prairie and forest soil. Our goal in this study, therefore, was to determine the effect burning and mowing had on soil moisture, pH and soil organic matter (S.O.M.) by collecting data from forest and prairie soils. We also wanted to determine whether other factors, such as depth, had a greater impact on soil characteristics than mowing or burning treatments. We expected that burning and mowing would significantly alter soil conditions. However, our data suggest that soil depth had a greater influence on moisture content, pH and S.O.M. than burning or mowing.

How to Cite
BESSE, Ian; THORNTON, Jennifer. Burning and mowing have no effect on water content, ph or organic matter in prairie and forest soils at CERA. Tillers, [S.l.], v. 1, p. 1-9, apr. 2012. Available at: <https://ojs.grinnell.edu/index.php/tillers/article/view/1>. Date accessed: 12 oct. 2021.